engineer Building new stuff

Building new stuff


  • # about
  • # engineer
  • Length
    1.333 words
  • Reading Time
    4 min 26 sec
  • Create
No kind of ship meets all demands - however, it doesn’t have to. The individual factors are relevant and have to be fully understood.
What is your idea of a perfect ship?

A versatile catamaran? Landing on it with a helicopter will be impossible.
Oh, a fancy cruiser? And how do you go fishing from up there?
Whatever, a mighty barge. You don’t seem to like the feeling of vacation.

Specific areas of application require precise solutions that score the unique selling points. Due to digital duplicability and the increasing standardization of services and products, solutions off the shelf have become insufficient. Or - to put it in Paul Watzlawick’s words: “If your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.”

Since problems occur both unified and trivial in the majority of cases, there is a great need for solution-oriented approaches. Thereby, the most suitable tools and means for the operating range in terms of functionality, usefulness and capacity are applied. A universal applicability of non-specific solutions is a utopian dream - especially in the area of IT; even more if it is a matter of projects with a high demand for innovation, differentiation or competition - that is: startups and web solutions.

Nevertheless, even for very complex problems people revert back to universal solutions. As a result for the client, IT projects become incalculable in size and are based on foreign technologies, which are connected to a high amount of consequential costs. This then causes for changing implementation partners and an uncertain outcome. Up next, there is a redesign and the consultation of a new IT partner - quite profitable for the industry but not very rewarding for the client.

For this reason takes another path with engineer. The simple strategy of “think first and then start to build” prevents from the false conclusion in which the very first technology and the shortest way are seen as the best choice in the long run. It’s rather a question of sustainability, maintainability, extensibility, and scalability.

The unit engineer builds your perfect ship - just tell us where you want to go with it.

By and without the book

How we work?

  • We complement theoretically funded knowledge with industry experience and put it into practice in an appropriate and well-fitting combination.

  • We don’t view our programmers as only the “IT department” but as competent people in charge of an individual field - they know the possibilities and limits like no other.

Efficient solutions require accuracy and innovation. Therefore, studying and teaching in universities and institutes, along with implementing projects is a solid base built for all those situations we encounter in the real world. In a reality, where changes in departments and program languages happen as often as some people’s change of underclothing, theoretical knowledge alone is not enough. In order to create sustainable, valid and practical products it is essential to put this knowledge into practice as well and - where applicable - put it into perspective. A change of program languages and development environments causes maximum efficiency if it is conscious, reasoned and solution-oriented; and it is not worth anything if it is just arbitrary.

Zeitleiste der Programmiersprachen
Die für uns und die Branche relevanten Sprachen haben sich über Jahre hinweg etabliert und in der Praxis bewährt

Long-term experience alongside and within the industry has made every coder at an expert in his field. Whether it is in the front end or back end, mobile or responsive design, database engineering, human-computer-interaction or the simple art to detect and evaluate the potential of something new and allegedly innovative at the first glance.

Interdisciplinarity not only starts with the interconnection of the conceptual, creative and technical departments but long before that. The multitude of opportunities for differentiation within the IT industry itself reveals a spectrum of efficiently applicable measures to us, which allow for the delivery of the absolute best solution.

At a critical moment, thus, we can purposefully pick from a repertoire that covers all the relevant areas. At times, a single developer is enough for the determining idea - but in order to cover all directions of a project within the range of our services; we count on a team of several programmers that vary in their fields of expertise. Just to be sure.

With and without standards

What we work with?

  • We use in-house developments, open source, and licensed closed source - all as complementary goods to get the most out of each project.

  • We take fragments of codes, standardized solutions, and proprietary developments to turn them into marketable and appealing results.

    • While it is rather absurd to assume that the perfect technology always comes ready for use and handed directly to the client on a silver platter, it is not nearly as absurd to believe everything has to be developed from scratch all over again.

      In practice, established standards are the lowest common ground that we can build on. Thus, we see in-house developments, open source, and licensed closed source not as opposing but as complementary goods. Only by intelligently combining all of the available components, we are able to receive a marketable and tailor-made result.

      Whoever confines himself to the existing software packages such as Wordpress or Typo3, might manage to put together a good result but is far away from using the potential it can offer. On the one hand, ready-to-use open source packages are convenient to handle but unspecific and rapidly monotonous without any correlating modifications. On the other hand, open source developments are incomplete fragments and are often not practical for amateurs. Therefore, the missing link is someone that knows how to work with those raw fragments - in the right hands, this boosts the development and opens up new possibilities. At, the team of engineers builds, adopts and updates technologies according to individual requirements and provides innovative solutions for modern challenges; no matter to which part they consist of - self-built, open or closed source-parts.

      With and without limits

      What we actually do?

      • We differentiate between short-life trend and sustainable development in order to be able to provide long-term solutions.

      • We try to relativize technological limits with our interdisciplinary approach.

      • We orientate our solutions by maximum usability and usefulness.

      • We use existing useful technologies and create something new where it is needed.

      The communicative goal is always in the center and entitled to survive the short-term trend- if it is supported with the appropriate know-how. Differentiating between a brief hype and a groundbreaking development requires a big treasure trove of experience, which can be provided by especially in commonly unexplored realms. Therefore, we are glad to be faced with innovation projects and their complex requirements.

      Needless to say - there are limitations when working with technology that we, too, are unable to simply trespass - but at least we attempt to relativize them constantly. Only then, a product can stand out from the mass. For what? This effort makes our solutions valuable and the experience extraordinary. In order to coordinate the duality of medium and software for each task, we orientate on objective measuring criteria such as the Technology Acceptance Model by Davis (1989). According to this model, for each matter of technology there are always two aspects in the center: ease of use and perceived usefulness. Standards and requirements of the market are obeyed in order to maximize ease of use. Simultaneously, the wish for steadily increasing usefulness creates the need to build something new. Therefore, a product contains two minds simultaneously: the market wants conformity and users want variations. Since only both aspects together make sense, steers a middle course and creates products with unique selling propositions. These products function on the market; they are unique but suitable for the mass. The question is never whether something is possible or not but always: “What is needed?”

      This does not necessarily imply that we must build everything from scratch and revolutionize it. It is not for nothing that there have been solutions used in the past that have been tested. We observe, analyze, and integrate existing developments where it is reasonable and if necessary, we work out components ourselves that are not available. Products like kaidoo:screen, kaidoo:CMS or kaidoo:mag have been constructed in-house to allow clients’ to have solutions that would not have been able to be accomplished otherwise by an existing software. In combination with create - as a communicative - and advise - as a functional - one can raise the need and potential for everything that engineer needs to work with. Due to the fact that the most refined and most innovative technology is of no use if you don’t see it, it needs to be able to function.

      Our Approach

      Our strong demand for tailor-made results does not back off from established limits. Just because there is no clear solution yet for a problem, does not mean that we are unable to find one. Our technical competence covers the following areas in particular:

      • Front End Development

      • Web Engineering

      • Software Engineering

      • App Development

      • Embedded Systems

      Too long; didn't read

      Engineer is neither purely a matter of the book nor of practice, neither of lone wolves nor of short trends. Technological solutions in this fast-paced industry require the consciousness for feasibility and innovation, which are made to measure individual use. combines the competences in the areas of front end, back end, database engineering, HCI, mobile and responsive design to a unit - this can find the best way for implementation within the massive range of possibilities. After all, coder does not equal coder - and project does not equal project. According to the Technology Acceptance Model by Davis, a fast-paced industry like this one is always about ease of use and perceived usefulness. The close collaboration with advise and create pursues the maximization of these aspects within with a practical orientation. The most refined and innovative technology is of no use if you are unable to see it, need it, or properly use it.

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