Starting shot for a startup
The new generation
- Length567 words 33 images
- Reading Time7 min 23 sec
- Create
- Introduction
- Level 1: Rendering visions visible
- Level 2: Let's build a product
- Level 3: Hightech goes Lifestyle
- Level 4: Let's go big
- Level 5: Sales Power

From the founding to the stock company: 18 months in fast motion.

Therefore, it was necessary to already enter the market with fundamental content and a visual appearance simultaneous to the technological development; in order to make the vision a reality before the final product is available. No matter how innovative a technology may be, what counts in the end is perception; oftentimes, this can only be reached by the outside. In the startup stage this is an essential advantage characterized by both quick and final decisions.
Level 1: Rendering visions visible
Originally based on a promising idea - the company turned into a potential startup with a high lifestyle appeal due to the appropriate visualization and with the contextual focus and the product definition.
Level Achievements: Branding & Campaign Design, Investment Teaser & Pitchbooks, Market & Brand Strategies, Product Concept Development & Prototyping.
Level 2: Let's build a product
To turn an idea into a product that is capable of facing the market and competition, the requirements and parameters have to be evaluated: what would be necessary in order to launch? Batteries by Lishen from China were combined with power electronics by Circutor from Spain in an appropriate system architecture. Standard components from electronics such as, lithium iron phosphate batteries for the automotive industry, the client software and the client/server architecture brought an innovative end consumer product into being market-ready months ahead of the competition.
Level Achievements: Product Design, Application Logic Design, Firmware Alignment, System Integration, QA & Certification Processes.
Level 3: Hightech goes Lifestyle
Only because something calls the shots in technological terms does not mean it is marketable, too. So as to make the product’s potential and value visible, the development of the product design is focused on the lifestyle factor. Corresponding visualization elements processed complex issues in a perceivable way and made the product desirable.
Level Achievements: Distributed Scalable Server Landscape, Monitoring Platform, Interactive Product Design, App Development, Rollout, Product Marketing Materials
Level 4: Let's go big
With all due respect to the power of images, there is nothing as powerful as reality. And in reality, size still matters - also with the staging of the product as a tangible item of the future. In the search for investors, cooperation partners, and distribution channels - there is a simple motto: the bigger, the better.
Level Achievements: Fairs, Symposiums, Skinned Vehicle Fleet, Incentives, PR, Feature Stories.
Level 5: Sales Power
After the finalization of financing and product development, a startup stands or falls with sales. Eventually, the customer is in the thick of things - and wants to be addressed. High Tech products like these require a high level of customer involvement due to their complexity and price level; therefore, the sales process is particularly sensitive. Exclusive sales materials in the form of print, web and app, accompanied by PR measures, were and still are the tools of sales. These pave the way for successful sales of the distribution network for solateurs, electricians, sales agent and technical partners.
Level Achievements: Print Materials, Whitelabeling Processes, Online Specialized Partner Platforms, Co-Brandings, Microsites for Cooperation Partners, White Hat SEO
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