Living à la carte
First Mallorca Publications

island taste
Why stick to only selling properties if a customers’ desire is so much more?
They want to approach an attitude towards life that is full of pleasure, sensuality and the art of living apart from the plain monotony of everyday life in the metropolises of the world. What could suit better to a go-between for this lifestyle than the Mallorquin cuisine?
A real estate magazine with a difference.

Of Houses & Toques
As diverse as the properties are, also the culinary creations show up on the sunny island. Thus, the ever-expanding professionalization of gastronomy becomes an ageless motive for communication.
Whose “fault” is that? If nothing else, it is the multifaceted ways of preparation, spices and cultural peculiarities that tell stories. Rice symbolizes the Asian down-to-earthiness, whereas Masala stands for Indian exoticism. Couscous signifies African hospitality and fresh fish reminds us of the sea breeze on our vacation.

Mallorquin sense of life for all senses.
kalbeck.media created a product catalogue with Heidi Stadler, CEO of First Mallorca and gourmet chef Marc Fosh depicting the symbiosis of Living and Eating according to a certain motto: Enjoying life with all senses.
In culinary and housing regards, a world full of possibilities presents itself. The diverse properties included in First Mallorca’s repertory was checked for regional characteristics and specific peculiarities. Adjusted to that, Marc Fosh came up with 14 typical but all the more refined creations of food specifically for the catalogue. The dishes found their way to the potential buyers that want to start a new chapter in their lives.

Hungry for more.
As a small guidance of luck in life, the result gives a good account of itself as a feast for the senses, far from the well-known realty. The prospect is addressed through uncommon stimuli, which shine a light on the distinguishing characteristics that tell First Mallorca from all the other realtors on the paradise island. By now, it is not about properties anymore - it is about a new sense of living.

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Sensible worlds of experience
Communication for all senses
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Discovering hidden treasures.
First Mallorca Web & App Systems
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