The best sites & apps
kaidoo:screen Top 5
- Length1.094 words 28 images
- Reading Time8 min 19 sec
- Create
- Introduction
- neoControl
- First Mallorca
- Liska Fashion
- Palais Schönburg
- All in one - one fits all
- Too long; didn't read

UX oriented multi platform rich media app engine.
Or something similar to that. No matter how you call it, in the end kaidoo:screen is a software that allows for web and app projects to be implemented - individually and efficiently.
This is our Top 5.
Or something similar to that. No matter how you call it, in the end kaidoo:screen is a software that allows for web and app projects to be implemented - individually and efficiently.
This is our Top 5.
Multi platform rich media app engine was a bit too clumsy for us to use, in actual fact it stresses all the aspects that make kaidoo:screen so widely usable and available. Originally, the technology was developed for the construction of rich media websites – by now its area of application has increased massively. The basic structures of the products have stayed the same and have demonstrated abilities in a wide range of products. A selection of the best practice examples illustrates the variety available within kaidoo:screen.
Media Research Platform
Type: Desktop App
In an ecosystem that is characterized by the free availability of search and monitoring solutions, a fee-based media database must provide more than just a simple full text search - even if this database is Austria’s largest one. In order to provide the Top 500 and other companies of the country with information as a press snipping and content management platform, kalbeck.media creates a user-and value-oriented processing of data stocks for APA defacto. Usability and clarity are central and orientate on the user due to convenience features of processing search requests and visualizing data in real time. To get the optimal result with a minimum amount of effort. The visualization of data-intensive media monitoring and highly complex result analyses are ultimately effected by means of configurable graphs that target accuracy at its maximum.
The main objective of the project was to enhance the front end in order to ensure an existence for APA defacto as a research tool apart from being a mere search engine. Thus, the new desktop app facilitates the identification of certain press releases for an amount that is more than 100,000 search results by filtering and sorting more - targeted on the client-end. At the same time, freemium is established as a mode of revenue of the fee-based service and the full functionality with a limited data stock. This is done to demonstrate the potential of the application and convert trial users into actual subscribers.
Real Time trend analyses and reports are feasible even by inexperienced users and manage to qualify directly for being utilized as a presentation tool for PR and press offices within companies. This is mainly due to the exclusive and fully graphical result of visualization in real time.
Smart Home Monitoring Platform
Type: Tablet App
Green technology has managed to override the cliché of the rather utopian do-gooder. A lifestyle that is considered to be both ecological and conscious catches on strongly to become a standard and is able to intervene in almost all-everyday life. The app
neoControl (www.neovoltaic.com)
supports this progress in the field of alternative energy and smart home. Real-time monitoring and evaluation for the in-house energy production and efficiency enable users of photovoltaic installations with battery storage system to track, monitor, archive, and optimize their behaviors.
However, the idea of the concept goes far beyond just that: in order to brighten the consciousness of personal energy consumption and reduce ecological impacts and electricity bills, kalbeck.media integrates elements of gramification and the possibility for community-building into the app. According to the motto “Ecology goes Lifestyle”, neoControl aims to make it possible for users to have full access to their savings and successes in the same way they perceive the visualization - be it saved costs, saved trees, or won battles. Competitions with other users must save a maximum amount of energy, as it’s a conceptually important approach to strengthen ecological awareness in a playful way. .
Personal Real Estate Search Agent
Type: Digital Magazine
Over three seasons, kalbeck.media conceptualized and implemented the printed customer magazine of a Mallorquin luxury realtor and put a new spin on them as art projects or culinary creations. The decisions to bring the product “customer magazine” to the digital world soon suggested itself. Apart from the high levels of both actuality and individualization, the interactivity in particular manages to speak for a transfer to the web.
First Mallorca (www.firstmallorca.com)
, kalbeck.media kalbeck.media merged with a personal real estate search agent with a digital customer magazine. A tailored map application helps potential clients search for their new home. By choosing criteria such as size, number of bedrooms, proximity to the beach or other features, the tool shows the relevant results and makes changes of the output upon modifications of the choices. Thus, long-winded queries can be condensed to a minimum of time and present an appealing world of experience through the lens of an animated design and a full screen display.
The search result filter was not only fed with the data stocks but rather built in due to consideration of their extent, criteria, and peculiarities. Thus, filtering is enabled in a content-aware manner and provides selective customer with qualitative results. Information on regions, shopping, various gastronomy sites, events, and historical backgrounds are all customized to a specific target group in terms of processing, length and overall relevancy. The luxurious Mallorquin lifestyle is tangible from click one.
Digital Flagship Store
Type: Rich Media Web App
Managing to live up to the appellation “digital flagship store” requires more than just the classic presentation of branded clothes. Just like in the real world, fashion wants to be staged appropriately on an exclusive and high-quality platform. The rich media app for
Liska Fashion (liskafashion.com)
showcases both the collections on a digital catwalk and provides an integrated option to order various clothing items.
The appearance was tailored from end to end – from the asset production of the garment photography with knocked out backgrounds to the fashion shooting with
Elfie Semotan (www.semotan.com)
. Each and every step in production was both customized to the fashion company as well as staged to the area of tension between high gloss fashion and urban reality.
Rich Media Location Information System
Type: Desktop App
A beautiful exterior can say a lot – yet when it gets serious, the inner values tend to have far more importance. While the surface impression of
Palais Schönburg (www.palais-schoenburg.at)
is certainly extremely impressive. kalbeck.media took a look behind the façade. The key element of the desktop app is an interactive floor plan providing just the right amount of information for various target groups. For a good overview, the photos demonstrate the optics and aesthetic conditions of the property. For organizers and interested parties, the choice of a seating option immediately demonstrates which specific room is suitable for which kind of event. For the detailed planning - electrical plans show the availability and position of power supply elements to facilitate the best conception in terms of extent and structure of electricity. Therefore, a website becomes a rather comprehensive and informative planning tool.
kaidoo:screen is neither limited to mobile nor to desktop or browser in utilization – all methods of publishing established on the market are supported by the software. Furthermore, deployment in the TV or automotive industry is possible thanks to the technology. Apart from desktop apps, tablet apps and web apps, customers can also implement games, rich media, presentation systems, digital magazines on Windows and Mac desktops, Smart TV systems, Android, iOS and on Blackberry. The data-driven engine is maintainable and extendable over the central CMS.
Tailored surfaces and the skinning option communicate exclusiveness and ensure a sense of security via obfuscation, encryption and more. Bandwidth optimization cares for rather frictionless and fluid transitions that are essential due to the focus on rich media.
These principles make video, audio, 3D and animation an entertaining experience and let’s them achieve the desired effect.
Media Research Platform
Type: Desktop App
In an ecosystem that is characterized by the free availability of search and monitoring solutions, a fee-based media database must provide more than just a simple full text search - even if this database is Austria’s largest one. In order to provide the Top 500 and other companies of the country with information as a press snipping and content management platform, kalbeck.media creates a user-and value-oriented processing of data stocks for APA defacto. Usability and clarity are central and orientate on the user due to convenience features of processing search requests and visualizing data in real time. To get the optimal result with a minimum amount of effort. The visualization of data-intensive media monitoring and highly complex result analyses are ultimately effected by means of configurable graphs that target accuracy at its maximum.
The main objective of the project was to enhance the front end in order to ensure an existence for APA defacto as a research tool apart from being a mere search engine. Thus, the new desktop app facilitates the identification of certain press releases for an amount that is more than 100,000 search results by filtering and sorting more - targeted on the client-end. At the same time, freemium is established as a mode of revenue of the fee-based service and the full functionality with a limited data stock. This is done to demonstrate the potential of the application and convert trial users into actual subscribers.
Real Time trend analyses and reports are feasible even by inexperienced users and manage to qualify directly for being utilized as a presentation tool for PR and press offices within companies. This is mainly due to the exclusive and fully graphical result of visualization in real time.
Smart Home Monitoring Platform
Type: Tablet App
Green technology has managed to override the cliché of the rather utopian do-gooder. A lifestyle that is considered to be both ecological and conscious catches on strongly to become a standard and is able to intervene in almost all-everyday life. The app

However, the idea of the concept goes far beyond just that: in order to brighten the consciousness of personal energy consumption and reduce ecological impacts and electricity bills, kalbeck.media integrates elements of gramification and the possibility for community-building into the app. According to the motto “Ecology goes Lifestyle”, neoControl aims to make it possible for users to have full access to their savings and successes in the same way they perceive the visualization - be it saved costs, saved trees, or won battles. Competitions with other users must save a maximum amount of energy, as it’s a conceptually important approach to strengthen ecological awareness in a playful way. .
First Mallorca
Personal Real Estate Search Agent
Type: Digital Magazine
Over three seasons, kalbeck.media conceptualized and implemented the printed customer magazine of a Mallorquin luxury realtor and put a new spin on them as art projects or culinary creations. The decisions to bring the product “customer magazine” to the digital world soon suggested itself. Apart from the high levels of both actuality and individualization, the interactivity in particular manages to speak for a transfer to the web.

The search result filter was not only fed with the data stocks but rather built in due to consideration of their extent, criteria, and peculiarities. Thus, filtering is enabled in a content-aware manner and provides selective customer with qualitative results. Information on regions, shopping, various gastronomy sites, events, and historical backgrounds are all customized to a specific target group in terms of processing, length and overall relevancy. The luxurious Mallorquin lifestyle is tangible from click one.
Liska Fashion
Digital Flagship Store
Type: Rich Media Web App
Managing to live up to the appellation “digital flagship store” requires more than just the classic presentation of branded clothes. Just like in the real world, fashion wants to be staged appropriately on an exclusive and high-quality platform. The rich media app for

The appearance was tailored from end to end – from the asset production of the garment photography with knocked out backgrounds to the fashion shooting with

Palais Schönburg
Rich Media Location Information System
Type: Desktop App
A beautiful exterior can say a lot – yet when it gets serious, the inner values tend to have far more importance. While the surface impression of

All in one - one fits all
kaidoo:screen is neither limited to mobile nor to desktop or browser in utilization – all methods of publishing established on the market are supported by the software. Furthermore, deployment in the TV or automotive industry is possible thanks to the technology. Apart from desktop apps, tablet apps and web apps, customers can also implement games, rich media, presentation systems, digital magazines on Windows and Mac desktops, Smart TV systems, Android, iOS and on Blackberry. The data-driven engine is maintainable and extendable over the central CMS.
Tailored surfaces and the skinning option communicate exclusiveness and ensure a sense of security via obfuscation, encryption and more. Bandwidth optimization cares for rather frictionless and fluid transitions that are essential due to the focus on rich media.
These principles make video, audio, 3D and animation an entertaining experience and let’s them achieve the desired effect.
Too long; didn't read
Originally designed as a rich media tool for websites, the in-house engine kaidoo:screen has managed to become applicable in more areas - media research platform, a smart home monitoring tool, a real estate search agent, a digital flagship store, and a rich media location information system. kaidoo:screen is able to show mobile, desktop, and browsers are only a few of the many different ways of publishing that are supported. The TV and automotive industry for example, are, also able to cater for with this technology. All these apps, games, digital magazines, rich media and presenting systems function on Windows and Mac desktops, Smart TV systems, Android, iOS and Blackberry. The data-driven engine is maintainable and extendable over the central CMS.
Tailored surfaces and the skinning options communicate exclusiveness and ensure security via obfuscation, encryption and much more. Bandwidth optimization cares for frictionless and fluid transitions that are considered essential due to the focus on rich media.
These principles allow video, audio, 3D and animation to be an entertaining experience and let’s them achieve the desired effect.
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