Eco Net - the Energy Network
Efficiency for the Industry
Reaching energy goals together
With Eco-Net, VERBUND shows an approach on how to increase energy efficiency that consists of more than just generic measures and obvious recommenations. Eco-Net is a network that enables companies of diverse industries to learn from one another and reach a common goal.
Ecologically and economically.
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Reduction of energy usage, costs and CO2 emissions
- Energy efficiency workshops and technical lectures
- Best practice presentations and exchange of experiences
- Factory walkabout
- Annual monitoring
Besides the long-term cost and energy savings, Eco-Net also focuses on preparing companies for legal amendments and certifications.
Upon an initial operational analysis and the cooperative setting of goals, a central contact is permanently available for that purpose. Investment opportunities with short- and mid-term amortisation are selected in close collaboration and set for an ideal point in time.
Growing jointly.
The common basis of the network idea is the usage of cross-section technologies that are applied in numerous industries but not used in the exact same ways. Different approaches offside the own business reality can lead to finding synergy potential and taking chances.
The network consists of participants from diverse industry branches that share adjacent locations. Thus, regional specifics can be considered when setting goals and comparing technologies.
Identifying measures.
For each participating site there has been an average of 19 measures that could be identified, 10 of which showing an equity rate of return of 12% or more.
The focus of the implementation is on the identification and avoidance of unnecessary usage and the installation of efficient technology.
About Eco-Net.
Eco-Net is a product by VERBUND Solutions GmbH that has been successfully implemented by companies like Andritz Hydro GmbH, Magna Powertrain GmbH & Co. KG or G. Coreth Kunststoffverarbeitungs GmbH. Each network consists of 8-15 participants.
Further information and contact can be found on